Monday 24 February 2014

EMBEDDED SYSTEMS-SHAPE THE WORLD [LAB 6 CODE]                            

Here is a short clip of the lab in operation. It's as easy as it seems. There's those of you who jumped in with so much optimism that this was going to be as easy, life is proofing difficult for you thou. Worry not, I have placed the code that I used with description of the major parts.


 As you can see from the above, the Blue LED (PF2) is on by default, but blinks at an interval of 100ms when SW1 (PF4) is pressed. Apparently, I had complaints from some of you guys that the code I had posted is in violation of  the EDX code of Honor, my bad. It's no longer available for download.

Therefore, I will only post other material apart from the solutions for the UTX course. 
Thank you

Also check out this link: NetSkills  

                                                MOZART ALEA

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